Sunday, May 28, 2017

Monday's STEM Problem

On Monday's we get given a problem. We have to use our problem solving skills, collaboration skills and our knowledge of measurement, geometry, statistics and number to solve the problem. 

Today we were given a piece of paper to figure out how we could make the longest paper chain. We then put them in order from longest to shortest, counted how many loops our chains had, and talked about the oval shape we had to make. 

Check out this video to see us working together to solve the problem!

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Anti-Bullying Week

This week is anti-bullying week. Yesterday we learnt about how our words can affect people's feelings. Have a look at some of the stories we wrote about this. 

Monday, May 22, 2017

Welcome to Mr Koch

Pono Pod welcome Mr Koch.   He is a student teacher from Massey University and will be with Pono Pod for 5 weeks.   We look forward to having Mr Koch join us.

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Values Certificate Winners!

Congratulations to Amariah, Samarah and Amelia for being awarded with our values certificates for the week. They have been displaying Honesty by always putting their best effort into their learning. Ka Pai :)

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Monday's Challenge!

On Monday we had a challenge to create a house that would survive the Big Bad Wolf's big Huff and Puff! We worked with a buddy to build a house. We had to figure out what resources were strong enough and the right shape. We even discovered that we needed to have four walls otherwise it wouldn't stand! Some of our houses fell down, but we learn from this and we are now trying to figure out how we could change it so it stays standing. Have a look at this video to see if our houses survived the Big Bad Wolf. 

Saturday, May 13, 2017

Book Character Dress Up Day

Pono Pod had fun with the Book Character Dress Up day held at school on Friday.   See the photos below of each Homeroom (and the Teachers).  What a wonderful mix of creativity came from this.   Thank you to all who supported this and our book fair week.

Value Certificate Winners for Week 2

Millie, Cody G and Noah have been showing Honesty in their learning in the Pono Pod.   This is one of the values that demonstrates what it takes to be a Whakarongo Kid.   Tino pai to you all.

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Gymnastics Session

For the first four weeks of Term 2, each Monday, Pono Pod go to Gymnastic sessions in the hall.  
This has been a very enjoyable experience for the children as they use a variety of equipment, and learn how move their body to more effectively perform a movement.  

Value Certificates - Week 1, Term 2

Congratulations to Micah, Jessica and Kaleb for displaying Honesty in their learning, displaying characteristics of being a Whakarongo Kid.  Tino pai.

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Mathletics Update

Hi Pono Whanau

We have made a slight change with your child's Mathletics Log in. To help them log in independently we have made everyones password pono. They still have their own personal Username which was given to them at the start of the year. New children to the pod will be given their Login details shortly.

Mathletics have been upgrading their site and has become a lot more user friendly. It will be great to get your feedback on how you  and your child find it.

Any questions, please feel free to come and see us or email us.

Cross Country

Cross Country practice has been changed from Wednesday to Thursday afternoons to fit better with our library session. 

Children are expected to bring a pair of sneakers to run in. A spare pair of shorts is also a good idea.